

2025 Sponsors

Founded by a group of industry experts, ActiveViam understands the data analytics challenges faced by financial institutions across trading desks, risk, and compliance. That is why we pioneered the use of high-performance analytics in finance, helping the largest investment banks, asset managers and hedge funds make better decisions, explain results with confidence, and simulate the impact of their decisions. 

Our mission is to deliver train-of-thought analysis on terabytes of data in the most cost-effective way so our customers can explain their results with confidence and model the scenarios that will optimize their business. We are a pure player specializing in risk data analytics for one of the fastest moving and most regulated industries with a presence in the world’s leading financial marketplaces: London, New York, Singapore, Sydney, Hong Kong, Paris, and Frankfurt.

ActiveViam are also the proud winners of the Best use of cloud and FRTB product of the year at the Risk Market Technology Awards 2024.

For more information please visit: www.activeviam.com

Enhance your brand at the industry's most credible event

Experience unparalleled opportunities at Risk Live Europe. Connect with senior decision-makers and leading risk professionals, engage in enriching discussions, and drive lead generation. Join us to expand your network, establish thought leadership, and foster strategic partnerships.

Spanning six content-driven stages, Risk Live Europe offers a comprehensive view of the risk management landscape. Our audience tackles challenges such as digital transformation, data management, cyber threats, regulatory changes, and AI integration. Showcase your solutions to empower them in overcoming these hurdles.

Contact us for a customised package for 2025




CROs & senior risk leaders





Connect with senior risk professionals

Our engaged attendees, senior decision-makers, come from diverse financial institutions, such as banks, asset managers, insurers, and regulators.

Increase brand visibility

Unparalleled networking with potential clients. Elevate your brand visibility online, in marketing materials, and during live sessions. Leverage Risk.net’s event app for seamless networking and collaboration opportunities.

Participate in enriching discussions

Sponsors can showcase their expertise and thought leadership on key industry topics through speaking opportunities and targeted content.

High return on investment

Our sponsorship packages offer maximum value for your investment, with a range of benefits tailored to meet your specific needs and objectives.

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Company profile

In 1977 Gary Bergstrom founded Acadian Financial Research, the firm's predecessor. Starting in 1978, Acadian designed, developed and implemented the world's first international index-matching strategy and later an active country selection strategy for the State Street Bank and Trust Company.  In 1987, Acadian Financial Research ended its relationship with State Street and its successor company, Acadian Asset Management, began to manage institutional assets directly.

Acadian evolved from a non-U.S. all-cap equity manager to a truly global manager with the launch of our global strategy in 1992. In 2002, we began to apply our stock selection process to attempt to find the poorest performing companies as well as the strongest, opening the doors for Acadian's initial entry into long short strategies. More recently, in 2006, based on research showing that a portfolio of low-risk stocks has the potential to offer market like returns at lower risk than the overall equity market, we launched our pioneering managed volatility strategies. In 2017, our multi-asset class strategies launched, further expanding the products we can apply to our clients' needs.  Our commitment to research, the flexibility of our process, and the collaborative nature of our client relationships suggests that Acadian's suite of strategies will have the potential to continue to grow and evolve in an effort to meet the needs of our clients.

Company profile

Allianz Insurance is one of the largest general insurers in the UK. We offer Commercial and Personal products through our broker partners and understand the importance of having confidence in a partner. Powered by our people, financial strength and capabilities, we believe we can grow stronger together through locally delivered solutions. We are Allianz, the world’s number one insurance brand*.

*Interbrand Best Global Brands Ranking

Company profile

The AXA Commercial team is looking forward to meeting and catching up with you at Broker Expo 22! There’ll be representatives from across SME, Vantage mid-market, Schemes and Broker Elevate, who’ll be on hand to find the right cover and services to help you and your clients go further. So come and join us for a coffee - and don’t miss the broker-focused sessions on the Content Zone we’re sponsoring, which is right next to our stand.


Stand Number: Sponsor Zone 3  

Company profile

At Aviva, we believe a trusted partnership comes down to communication. Not just talking but listening carefully to the thoughts and feedback of our trusted brokers. We make it our goal to understand what we can do to grow stronger together, whether that’s facing the current economic uncertainty or how we create a more sustainable future together.

The Aviva team are thrilled to be joining you at this years Broker Expo event and we can’t wait share how we’re #HereForBrokers.

It takes you. It takes a partnership. It takes Aviva



Company profile

BlackRock’s Official Institutions Group (“OIG”) partners with central banks, sovereign wealth funds, finance ministries, future generation funds and multi-lateral organizations, offering the full range of customized solutions and global investment management, risk management and advisory services.


Our clients can take advantage of BlackRock’s broad global investment platform and expertise across a robust set of asset classes spanning the full risk spectrum. We are aware of the unique set of requirements facing official institutions and can tailor an investment strategy within a given mandate to reflect the specific constraints and needs of our clients. As a fiduciary, we share the same objectives and challenges as our clients. By partnering with them and leveraging the experience of BlackRock investment professionals as well as Aladdin, our end-to-end operating system for investment management, we believe we can generate long-term solutions that allow us to achieve our client’s goals. BlackRock has provided investment solutions to official institutions worldwide since 1992 and manages $537 billion on behalf of these institutions as of 30 September 2022. 


As of 31 December 2022: 

  • OIG manages c. $600 billion in assets under management, including self-reported iShares holdings, for 138 official institution clients worldwide (59 central banks, 27 sovereign wealth funds, 24 national pension funds, 28 multilateral development banks, ministries and agencies).
  • OIG provides risk management tools in the form of BlackRock’s Aladdin and eFront solutions to 21 official institution clients worldwide.
  • BlackRock’s Financial Markets Advisory ("FMA") team has completed 146 assignments for global official institution clients since 2013.

Dedicated team of seasoned OIG client relationship managers partner closely with BlackRock’s broader institutional client business to ensure holistic relationship coverage across headquarters and regional rep offices

Company profile

BNY Mellon is a global investments company dedicated to helping its clients manage and service their financial assets throughout the investment lifecycle. Providing financial services for institutions, corporations or individual investors, BNY Mellon delivers informed investment and wealth management and investment services in 35 countries.

Company profile

Societe Generale

Societe Generale is one of the leading European financial services groups. Based on a diversified and integrated banking model, the Group combines financial strength and proven expertise in innovation with a strategy of sustainable growth, aiming to be the trusted partner for its clients, committed to the positive transformations of society and the economy.

Active in the real economy for over 150 years, with a solid position in Europe and connected to the rest of the world, Societe Generale has over 147,000 members of staff in 67 countries and supports on a daily basis 31 million individual clients, businesses and institutional investors around the world by offering a wide range of advisory services and tailored financial solutions. The Group is built on three complementary core businesses:

  • French Retail Banking, which encompasses the Societe Generale, Crédit du Nord and Boursorama brands. Each offers a full range of financial services with omnichannel products at the cutting edge of digital innovation;
  • International Retail Banking, Insurance and Financial Services to Corporates, with networks in Africa, Russia, Central and Eastern Europe and specialised businesses that are leaders in their markets;
  • Global Banking and Investor Solutions, which offers recognised expertise, key international locations and integrated solutions.

Societe Generale is included in the principal socially responsible investment indices: DJSI (World and Europe), FTSE4Good (Global and Europe), Euronext Vigeo (World, Europe and Eurozone), four of the STOXX ESG Leaders indices, and the MSCI Low Carbon Leaders Index.

For more information, you can follow us on twitter @societegenerale or visit our website www.societegenerale.com


Company profile

Credit Suisse AG is one of the world's leading financial services providers and is part of the Credit Suisse group of companies. As an integrated bank, Credit Suisse is able to offer clients its expertise in the areas of private banking, investment banking and asset management from a single source. Credit Suisse provides specialist advisory services, comprehensive solutions and innovative products to companies, institutional clients and high net worth private clients worldwide, and also to retail clients in Switzerland. Credit Suisse is headquartered in Zurich and operates in over 50 countries worldwide. The registered shares (CSGN) of Credit Suisse's parent company, Credit Suisse Group AG, are listed in Switzerland and, in the form of American Depositary Shares (CS), in New York.

Further information about Credit Suisse can be found at www.credit-suisse.com

Company profile

HSBC is a financial services organisation that serves more than 40 million customers, ranging from individual savers and investors to some of the world’s biggest companies and governments. Its network covers 64 countries and territories, and its expertise, capabilities, breadth and perspectives open up a world of opportunity for its customers. HSBC is listed on the London, Hong Kong, New York, Paris and Bermuda stock exchanges.

Company profile

At Investec we believe that every client is unique, and we pride ourselves on providing a personalised service. With us, you won't be just a number, but a name that we know and understand.
Our fresh perspective is rooted in experience and expertise, allowing us to provide you with the best possible solutions.
Our dedicated team are looking forward to seeing you at this year’s BrokerExpo to show you how we can simplify the complexities of insurance premium finance and help you to service your clients with ease. 

Company profile

Stand: 41

Legal & General are one of the UK’s leading financial services companies and have been insuring homes for over 90 years.

Come and see us at Stand 48 to meet our dedicated Broker Team and find out how we’re using technology and automation to improve the claims process.

You’ll also have the chance to win one of our famous brollies. We look forward to seeing you there.


Company profile

About Mirae Asset Global Investments (Hong Kong) Limited and Global X ETFs Hong Kong

Established in 1997, Mirae Asset Global Investments is an asset manager with over $147 billion assets under management as of June 2020. The firm provides a diverse range of investment products including mutual funds, exchange traded funds (“ETFs”) and alternatives. Operating out of 15 offices in 12 countries and over 40 countries with clients, Mirae Asset has a global team of more than 830 employees, including 195 investment professionals.

Mirae Asset’s global ETF platform features a line-up of more than 370 ETFs across 9 markets that offer investors high quality and cost-efficient exposure to newly emerging investment themes and disruptive technologies in the global markets. Mirae Asset’s ETFs have combined assets under management of USD39.7 billion as of June 2020 and are listed in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea and the United States.

Global X ETFs, a member of Mirae Asset group, was founded in 2008 in New York with the mission of listening to and empowering clients to invest wisely in unexplored and intelligent solutions. In Hong Kong, Global X ETFs offer a total of 16 ETFs and products, including Thematic Growth ETFs, Broad Market ETFs, and Leveraged and Inverse Products to suit a wide range of investment objectives. Please visit Global X ETFs Hong Kong website at https://www.globalxetfs.com.hk/.


關於未來資產環球投資(香港)有限公司及Global X ETFs香港



Global X ETFs是未來資產集團成員,於2008年在紐約成立,其使命是聆聽客戶並為客戶提供明智及未被開發的投資方案。在香港,Global X ETFs提供總共16隻ETF和產品,包括主題增長ETF、全市場ETF和槓桿及反向產品,以滿足不同投資者的投資目標。請到訪公司香港網站https://www.globalxetfs.com.hk/


미래에셋자산운용 홍콩법인 및 글로벌 X ETF 홍콩 소개

미래에셋자산운용은 1997년에 설립되었으며, 2020 년 6 월 현재 1,470 억 달러 이상의 자산을 운용하고있는 자산운용사입니다. 미래에셋은 뮤추얼 펀드, ETF 및 대체자산을 포함한 다양한 투자 상품을 제공합니다. 미래에셋은 투자전문가 195명을 포함하여 830명 이상으로 구성된 글로벌 팀을 보유하고 있습니다.

미래에셋의 글로벌 ETF 플랫폼은2020년 6월 현재 9 개 시장에 걸쳐 370 개 이상의 ETF 라인업을 갖추고, 총 47조원의 펀드자산을 운용하고 있습니다. 미래에셋자산운용은 차별화된 투자전략 'Thematic approach'를

비롯하여 다양한 관점의 투자전략으로 글로벌 경쟁력을 갖춘 ETF 투자솔루션을 제안합니다.

Global X ETFs는 전세계 ETF시장의 70% 이상을 차지하는 미국 시장에서 빠르게 성장하고 있는 ETF운용사입니다. “Beyond Ordinary ETFs”란 캐치프레이즈로 2008년 설립된 Global X는 다양한 테마, 인컴 등 차별화된 ETF 상품을 공급하고 있습니다. 홍콩에서 Global X ETF는 테마ETF, 대표지수 ETF, 레버리지 및 인버스 상품을 포함하여 총 16개 상품을 제공합니다. 자세한 내용은 글로벌 X ETF 홍콩 웹사이트 https://www.globalxetfs.com.hk/ 에서 확인할 수 있습니다.

Company profile

State Street Global Exchange helps our clients lower costs, manage risk, enhance performance and raise assets. We're addressing these challenges by helping our clients manage and make sense of data, transforming it into opportunities that help generate value and actionable insights. We offer solutions that help client business models evolve.

Company profile

Tracing our history to 1928, Wellington Management is one of the world’s largest independent investment management firms. With over US$1.3 trillion in assets under management as of 31 March 2022, we serve as a trusted investment adviser to more than 2,400 institutional clients and mutual fund sponsors in over 60 countries. Our comprehensive investment capabilities are built on the strength of rigorous, proprietary research and span nearly all segments of the global capital markets, including equity, fixed income, multi-asset, and alternatives. Our commitment to investment excellence is evidenced by our significant presence and long-term track records in nearly all global securities markets.


2024 sponsors

Founded by a group of industry experts, ActiveViam understands the data analytics challenges faced by financial institutions across trading desks, risk, and compliance. That is why we pioneered the use of high-performance analytics in finance, helping the largest investment banks, asset managers and hedge funds make better decisions, explain results with confidence, and simulate the impact of their decisions. 

Our mission is to deliver train-of-thought analysis on terabytes of data in the most cost-effective way so our customers can explain their results with confidence and model the scenarios that will optimize their business. We are a pure player specializing in risk data analytics for one of the fastest moving and most regulated industries with a presence in the world’s leading financial marketplaces: London, New York, Singapore, Sydney, Hong Kong, Paris, and Frankfurt.

ActiveViam are also the proud winners of the Best use of cloud and FRTB product of the year at the Risk Market Technology Awards 2024.

For more information please visit: www.activeviam.com

CompatibL is a leading provider of risk management software, model validation and quantitative consultancy services. We provide a unique blend of quantitative and engineering expertise combined with an award-winning risk platform, which now includes an AI Co-Pilot to help with model governance and document comprehension processes. Our customers are some of the most respected firms in the financial industry including four major derivatives dealers, 33 central banks and some of the world’s largest asset managers.

CompatibL Risk Platform is a unique framework for trading, market and credit risk, regulatory capital, limits, and initial margin that can be adopted and customized for the individual needs of a firm.

Advanced features include:

  • Microservices design approach
  • Advanced price curve management
  • Market and credit risk analysis
  • BI reporting tool
  • "What-if" analysis and stress testing
  • AI Co-Pilot for model governance and document comprehension
  • Integration with external pricing feeds using API and market data connectors
  • Robust limit management module
  • Multi-asset coverage, including commodities and commodity derivatives
  • PnL attribution
  • Settlement netting

Our quantitative research program produced multiple innovations in models and numerical methods for counterparty credit risk, settlement risk, risk premia in the yield curve, and has been recognized by multiple awards.

Today, CompatibL employs over 300 people whose only focus is trading and risk management.

Riskonnect is the leading integrated risk management software solution provider. Our technology empowers organizations with the ability to anticipate, manage, and respond in real-time to strategic and operational risks across the extended enterprise.  


Riskonnect’s integrated risk management platform consolidates data, connects risks, and illustrates their relationships. Powering our growing suite of risk management applications is our unique risk-correlation engine that helps our customers understand risk at a level they can’t get anywhere else. It’s no wonder that more organizations choose Riskonnect than any other vendor as their preferred risk management technology provider. 

Riskonnect’s integrated risk management platform includes:

  • Risk Management Information System
  • Claims Administration
  • Third-Party Risk Management
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Environmental, Social, Governance
  • Internal Audit
  • Compliance
  • Policy Management
  • Project Risk
  • Business Continuity & Resilience
  • Health & Safety
  • Healthcare

To learn more, visit riskonnect.com

AuditBoard is the leading cloud-based platform transforming audit, risk, compliance, and ESG management. More than 40% of the Fortune 500 leverage AuditBoard to move their businesses forward with greater clarity and agility. AuditBoard is top-rated by customers on G2, Capterra, and Gartner Peer Insights, and was recently ranked for the fifth year in a row as one of the fastest-growing technology companies in North America by Deloitte. To learn more, visit: AuditBoard.com.

Parameta Solutions is the data and analytics division of TP ICAP Group PLC, the world’s leading wholesale market intermediary, with a portfolio of businesses that provide a number of services, including over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives broking services.  

OTC markets cater to innovation and accessibility. They offer a valuable alternative to traditional exchanges, creating a broader investment landscape.  Unlike traditional exchanges which have central locations, OTC markets operate electronically through broker-dealer networks. This decentralised approach opens doors to a broader range of investment opportunities and also gives our clients access to a vast pool of the rare and scare data produced in these markets.

We work collaboratively with our clients to deliver this data, and innovative solutions build on this data, to help them create value, optimise capital and manage their risk.

We empower institutions in financial markets to seize opportunities amidst uncertainty by delivering unparalleled accuracy, transparency, and innovation through our industry-leading expertise in quantitative analytics and cutting-edge technology.

FactSet helps the financial community to see more, think bigger, and work better. Our digital platform and enterprise solutions deliver financial data, analytics, and open technology globally. Clients across the buy-side and sell-side as well as wealth managers, private equity firms, and corporations achieve more every day with our comprehensive and connected content, flexible next-generation workflow solutions, and client-centric specialized support. As a member of the S&P 500, we are committed to sustainable growth and have been recognized amongst the Best Places to Work in 2023 by Glassdoor.

Sustainalytics, a Morningstar Company, is a leading ESG research, ratings and data firm that supports investors around the world with the development and implementation of responsible investment strategies. For more than 25 years, the firm has been at the forefront of developing high-quality, innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of global investors. Today, Sustainalytics works with hundreds of the world's leading asset managers and pension funds who incorporate ESG and corporate governance information and assessments into their investment processes. Sustainalytics also works with hundreds of companies and their financial intermediaries to help them consider sustainability in policies, practices and capital projects. With 16 offices globally, Sustainalytics has more than 800 staff members, including more than 300 analysts with varied multidisciplinary expertise across more than 40 industry groups.

S&P Global Market Intelligence integrates financial and industry data, research and news into tools that track performance, generate alpha, identify investment ideas, understand competitive and industry dynamics, perform valuation and assess credit risk. It offers investment professionals, government agencies, corporations and universities the intelligence essential to make business and financial decisions with conviction.

ServiceNow makes the world work better for everyone. Our cloud-based intelligent platform helps digitise and unify organisations to drive smarter, faster ways to address evolving risks, vulnerabilities, and compliance challenges. Power your resilient enterprise with risk-informed decisions embedded in daily work. Connect the business, security, and IT to manage risk and resilience in real time.

At EY, we share a single focus — to build a better financial services industry, one that is stronger, fairer and more sustainable.

Our strength lies in the proven power of our people and technology, and the possibilities that arise when they converge to reframe the future.

Our professionals are dedicated to the industry, and live and breathe financial services. This deep sector knowledge combined with a holistic point of view, delivers true value from strategy through to implementation. Whether your business challenge is specific, complex, small or large, we can be trusted to deliver solutions that work for today and tomorrow.

By using technology as a tool, to transform what a business can be, and people can do, we are building long-term value for our financial services clients. It is how we play our part in building a better working world.

Opensee is an award-winning technology company that provides financial institutions with a real-time self-service data management and data analytics platform, run on any cloud, on-premise, or hybrid cluster.

Created by capital markets experts, Opensee's solutions cover a wide range of risk, finance and trade use cases. With unrivaled time to value and performance/cost ratio by combining high-performance computing with AI, the company allows banks, asset managers and hedge funds to build any size domain-specific data referentials, setting a new bar for hyper-fast aggregation, calculation and simulations across any data volume and model complexity.

Opensee allows financial institutions to not only achieve data explainability but also to do so in a way that is cost-effective, performance-driven and adaptable to real-time requirements. This empowers efficient decision-making, regulatory compliance and streamlined risk management. 

With offices in London, Paris, New York and Singapore, Opensee is proud to work with a trusted client base across global Tier 1 banks, asset managers, hedge funds and trading platforms.

Learn more at opensee.io.

In a world shaped by increasingly interconnected risks, Moody’s data, insights, and innovative technologies help customers develop a holistic view of their world and uncover opportunities. With a rich history of experience in global markets and a diverse workforce in more than 40 countries, Moody’s gives customers the comprehensive perspective needed to act with confidence and thrive. www.moodys.com

A global company, ZEMA Global Data specializes in providing business intelligence, information automation, and data analytics services to businesses worldwide. The company's proprietary software, ZEMA™, is a comprehensive data analytics platform designed to offer cost-effective solutions for managing complex business problems. 

In 2024, ZEMA was ranked #1 for Data Management Firms in the Energy Risk Software Ranking and secured the 8th position in the ChartisEnergy50 rankings for innovative technology in the energy, and fintech sectors. For more information, visit www.ze.com 

Likezero is trusted by the world's leading financial institutions to deliver unrivalled contract intelligence – once considered impossible to reach. The revolutionary software extracts contextualised contract data and zeros in on legal, operational and counterparty risks, identifying inconsistencies and opportunities that inform critical decision-making.

Likezero automates contract data operations, removes the need for human review and enhances data quality, surpassing any other solution in the market today. This contractual evidence is used as the deciding factor in times of legal crisis or market event management. Likezero then enables firms to optimise counterparty contracts, leading to accelerated onboarding, enhanced profitability and a competitive advantage.

Macquarie Group Limited (Macquarie) is a global financial services group providing clients with asset management, retail and business banking, wealth management, leasing and asset financing, market access, commodity trading, renewables development, specialist advice and access to capital and principal investment. Founded in 1969, Macquarie employs over 20,600 people in 34 markets. At 31 March 2024, Macquarie had assets under management of £484.8 billion. For further information, visit www.macquarie.com

Quantifi is a provider of risk, analytics and trading solutions. Its award-winning suite of integrated pre- and post-trade solutions allow market participants to better value, trade and risk manage their exposures. Founded in 2002, Quantifi is trusted by the world’s most sophisticated financial institutions, including five of the six largest global banks, two of the three largest asset managers, leading hedge funds, insurance companies, pension funds and other institutions across 40 countries. By applying the latest technology innovations, Quantifi provides new levels of usability, flexibility, and integration. This translates into dramatically lower time to market, lower total cost of ownership and significant improvements in operational efficiency, allowing clients to focus on their core business.

TraditionDATA provides consistent, high-quality financial market data that reflect real price interest in global OTC markets, covering FX & Money Markets, Interest Rate Derivatives, Credit & Fixed Income and Energy & Commodities.

Real-time, intra-day, end-of-day and historical pricing originate from Tradition’s global brokerage business. In addition to comprehensive coverage of the most liquid markets, our extensive product and geographic coverage means we can penetrate illiquid markets to provide hard-to-find prices in developing products and regions.

Gresham Technologies plc (Gresham),  is a global leader in mission critical software and automation solutions for financial services. 

Our award-winning Clareti platform helps firms operate efficiently, manage risk, stay compliant, and focus on their customers knowing that their data and digital processes are under control. Listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange (GHT.L) and headquartered in the City of London, our industry recognized Connect and Control Solutions, Data and Managed Services are proven at nearly three hundred organisations worldwide, including many of the world's largest banks, investment managers and corporates. 


ElysianNxt is a fast-growing Reg Tech company focused on developing the most technologically advanced, user-friendly, real-time Risk and Finance solutions. Comprised by seasoned industry veterans and subject matter experts, the company was established to provide an alternative solution to the traditional, outdated, monolithic applications that the financial industry is accustomed to in their quest to automate their back-end financial calculation obligations, including IFRS 9, Basel IV, and ALM.

Our lightning-fast calculation engine enables financial firms to react quickly to changes by performing real-time stress testing and running multiple simulations on-the-fly to see the immediate impact in minutes. The user-friendly system interface design provides useful information from the portfolio level, which can be drilled down to the contract level and exported in various formats.

The company was founded in Belgium in 2017 with its head office and development center in Bangkok, Thailand and other offices in Jakarta, Indonesia and Brussels, Belgium. To date, ElysianNxt has 50 client installations across APAC and Europe.

About Murex
For more than 30 years, Murex has been providing enterprise-wide, cross-asset financial technology solutions to capital markets players.  Its cross-function platform, MX.3, supports trading, treasury, risk and post-trade operations, enabling clients to better meet regulatory requirements, manage enterprise-wide risk, and control IT costs. With more than 50,000 daily users in 60 countries, Murex has clients in many sectors, from banking and asset management to energy and commodities. 
Murex is an independent company with over 2,000 employees across 17 countries. Murex is committed to providing cutting-edge technology, superior customer service, and unique product innovation. 
For more information visit murex.com

Credit Benchmark provides Credit Consensus Ratings and Analytics based on contributed risk views from 40+ of the world’s leading financial institutions, almost half of which are GSIBs, domiciled in the US, Continental Europe, Switzerland, UK, Japan, Canada, Australia and South Africa.

The risk views are collected, aggregated, and anonymized to provide an independent, real-world perspective of credit risk, delivered twice monthly to our clients. Credit Consensus Ratings and Analytics are available on 105,000+ corporate, financial, fund and sovereign entities globally, most of which are unrated by credit rating agencies. Credit Benchmark also produces 1,200 credit indices, which help risk practitioners better understand industry and sector macro trends.

Risk professionals at banks, insurance companies, asset managers and other firms use the data to gain visibility on entities without a public rating, inform risk sharing transactions (CRT / SRT), monitor and be alerted to changes within the portfolio, benchmark, assess and analyze trends, and fulfil regulatory requirements and capital.


Visit www.creditbenchmark.com to learn more.

CRISIL is a global analytics company driven by its mission of making markets function better by offering services in the Risk, Research, Ratings, Analytics and Consulting space to global financial institutions (FIs). We are partners to 200+ of the world’s biggest FIs. These include 15 of the top 20 leading global investment banks, 100+ global buy-side firms including private equity firms, hedge funds and wealth managers, and five leading global insurers. Several systemically important FIs have leveraged our high-end risk and analytics, and bespoke research services over the past 20 years.

Our suite of innovative, technology-driven risk management solutions is crafted to expedite regulatory and internal compliance for FIs. These tools enable informed decision-making and deliver substantial cost efficiencies.

CRISIL has delivered independent opinions, actionable insights and efficient solutions to 100K+ customers through businesses that operate from the United States (US), the United Kingdom (UK), India, Argentina, Poland, China, Colombia, Singapore, Australia, Switzerland, Japan and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

To know more, visit www.crisil.com

KWA Analytics is a consultancy with a focus on and experience in implementing trading, risk and treasury management solutions. It is experienced in implementations, upgrades and solution architecture across a range of organisations, and has established itself as a trusted implementation consulting services provider.

MetricStream is a global software-as-a-service leader of integrated risk management and governance, risk and compliance (GRC) solutions that empower organisations to thrive on risk by accelerating growth via risk-aware decisions. It connects governance, risk management and compliance across the extended enterprise. MetricStream's ConnectedGRC and three product lines – BusinessGRC, CyberGRC and ESGRC – are based on a single, scalable platform that supports clients on their GRC journeys. For more information please click this link www.metricstream.com 

The Institute of Risk Management (IRM) is the leading professional body for Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). We provide globally recognised qualifications and training, publish Thought Leadership and run insightful events open to both our members and the wider public, all of which are underpinned by our professional standards, defining the requirements risk managers need to meet.

By these means, we help organisations and individuals build excellence in risk management and raise awareness of risk across society so that they protect value and take advantage of opportunity. Risk professionals can also get access to our free sound practice guides through our website.

We have also recently released our 2024 Risk Trends, marking a significant milestone for risk practitioners and industry aficionados alike. To indulge in a stimulating exploration of the latest insights and trends in risk management, click here.

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Risky Women® is a global network connecting, celebrating and championing women in risk, regulation, and compliance. Providing a voice for the female perspective of our rapidly growing, changing, and influential industry. We strive to bring together women shaping the debate and the industry. 

The Global Association of Risk Professionals is a non-partisan, not-for-profit membership organization focused on elevating the practice of risk management. GARP offers the leading global certification for risk managers in the Financial Risk Manager (FRM®), as well as the Sustainability and Climate Risk (SCR®) Certificate and ongoing educational opportunities through Continuing Professional Development. Through the GARP Benchmarking Initiative (GBI)® and GARP Risk Institute (GRI), GARP sponsors research in risk management and promotes collaboration among practitioners, academics, and regulators.
Founded in 1996 and governed by a Board of Trustees, GARP is headquartered in Jersey City, N.J., with offices in London and Hong Kong.
For more information, visit garp.org or follow GARP on LinkedIn, Facebook, and X (formerly Twitter).

Powered by Risk.net this community helps senior leaders in banks better achieve their strategic objectives. Our unique position in the industry meant that we were regularly told how isolating it can be at the top when making important decisions. The network bridges this gap by enabling members to talk through complex risk-related problems with peers who understand.

Interested in joining? Submit your details

Annual membership grants you access to: 

  • Bespoke roundtables: Select your priorities at point of onboarding. We then match you with leaders who have similar areas of interest.
  • In-person networking: We understand the importance of face-to-face networking that's why we organise regular meet-ups with fellow members.
  • Network radar: Regular insights from across the network, highlighting other members’ priorities, meeting topics and takeaways.

Risk Books has been a world leader in specialist books on risk management and the financial markets for over 20 years. Risk Books is proud to be a niche publisher that has quality as its top priority.

Our mission is to produce books that truly add value by delivering the very best information on our specialist subjects. And with more than 180 different titles currently in print, Risk Books covers a wide range of technical subjects for academics, practitioners, investors and corporate users - ranging from derivatives, hedge funds, quant analysis, credit, regulatory issues and operational risk to the energy, insurance and currency markets – with books for experts and scholars alike.

Risk Journals deliver academically rigorous, practitioner-focused content and resources for the rapidly evolving discipline of financial risk management.

Each quarter, Risk Journals provide peer-reviewed research and technical papers, delivered to a global audience in print and online. The Risk Journals portfolio has been serving, broad and international readership communities that bridge academia and industry for over 25 years. The mission of Risk Journals is to equip readers with the tools to fulfil their professional potential.

Risk Journals publishes original and innovative papers, ensuring subscribers are kept up-to-date with the ever-changing complexity behind the science of risk management.


Designed and delivered by industry experts and thought leaders, Risk Learning covers a range of topics across risk management, derivatives and complex financial markets. Risk Learning courses reflect the latest industry developments, regulatory updates and best practices. Access the most up-to-date knowledge and practical insights to prepare yourself, your team and your organisation for real-world challenges.

Chartis Research is the leading provider of research and analysis on the global market for risk technology. Our goal is to support companies as they drive business performance through improved risk management, corporate governance and compliance. We also help clients make informed technology and business decisions by providing in-depth analysis and advice on virtually all aspects of risk technology.

Chartis is focused solely on risk and compliance technology, giving us a significant advantage over other market analysts. Our analysts and advisors have decades of hands-on experience of implementing and developing risk management systems and programs for Fortune 500 companies and leading consulting houses.

